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This is my little corner of the internet. Here you can see some of my photos and learn a little about who I am, or at least this side of who I am. Photography and I have had a long association going back to high school. Even though I trained as a studio painter and printmaker at Columbia University, coming back to photography is like coming home.


Instagram Feed

I have removed the Instagram feed that was here. It was too slow, always a day late, and would break for no reason. Instead, just visit the page directly at:

Classes/Individual Instruction

If anyone is interested in taking a lecture/field trip class with me, I have curriculums for a beginners class, and a street-photography class. You can learn more here, or contact me.

Artists Studios

I have an online profile is available on AS | Artists Studios:

The Meaning of Photography

Photography: from the ancient Greek words phot-, “light,” and graph-, “writing.” The word “photography” literally means “writing with light.” In my photography, I am writing stories with light. Color, texture, and form are the words that make stories of time and place.